Thursday, 20 July 2017

Daily Dynamic News Collection with photos or images using Python Scripting Language

            RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering dynamic web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed users to use. Simply it is called as rss feed and it is based on xml tags.

           Almost all epaper/ news paper sites providing their updates in the form of rss feeds. There  are some default/ common elements in all news providers rss feeds they are title (title of the article), link (url/link for article ) , description( description of the article), pubdate (data of publication of article) and source (the source of article).

       Even some news paper channels publish image element along with other rss default elements it is not default rss element for all news providers but by using python scripting language modules we can use article link to get the image or corresponding picture of that article. This can be done using python webscrapping techniques like selenium. With this  techniques wecan get article image link to display image along with news article in any portal or blogs.
News scroll using Python

For displaying images into any portal we no need to download any images but we are just grabbing the related image link and storing into database for displaying on portal. This is one of the discover using techniques of  python and its modules.

Friday, 14 July 2017

GUI based News collector using Python Scripting language

         We know python is a powerful  and simple scripting language. We can use python to automate and get rid of boring works like files copying , renaming, moving and so on.
          I had developed a independent tool by using python and it's modules to get news of intrest topic or keyword. This is a .exe file developed from python script which collects all news from different web sites by using  RSS feeds of respective news website. Python tkinter module is used to develop GUI for this tool. A key word has to select from list of predefined keywords.  After selecting Key word then the news titles which are matched with the keyword  are displayed in the text  below box.

The GUI Looks like as follows

GUI for News Extractor

Then I Selected a keyword flood the result will be as follow

Latest News for Flood

Like the above we can get news as of our interest. This is a initiation for this tool lot more to change.